Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thank You for a wonderful Year! See you in 2009

I Couldn’t have done It with out YOU!

 What a year!  And it’s all because of you! So we would like to THANK YOU for your continued trust and support!

Let’s recap 2008-year events

   December 07 we moved from 7824 ste. 106 Mainland Dr. to 7825 Mainland Dr just across the street.  We all worked very hard to remodel our new 3.800 sqft studio and be open for business by January 1, 2008 and we did it! Our new remodeled studio was open for business with just a few minor adjustments to be made. Grand Opening was held in march March 08.

New additions to our team:

David Ruiz - Production Manager

Jana Ortiz - Marketing Director 

Monica Hinkle  and Sarah Gomez

I thank you also for the great job you have done and I look forward to a great 2009. You are all very important to me! I can't do it with out you!

Wow what a year a total of  35 weddings in 2008 and ALL WERE SO MUCH FUN ........GRRRRREAT!

         Many, many.....  Senior, Family, Maternity, and Baby sessions and our newest is our Commercial accounts.  They include:

1 .Olive Garden 

2. Design Materials

3. Homes For Our Troops - a non profit org.

4.  San Antonio Luxury Living,

 5. Phil Yamin's -The Bellagio Band

6.  The Hill Country Resort 

7. Crown Plaza River Walk Hotel

8. Andy Roddick Foundation

9.  Kiss & Make-up - Jana Oritz

10. Health Care Reality 

11. Ridge Gate Reality 

      The team here at CMP  want to thank each one  of you for your continued  trust and confidence in CMP and look forward to working with you in 2009

      Due to the economic decline and recession  in 08,  we are all extremely hopeful  it will improve in 2009 but in until it does CMP has decided  to reduced it's prices! Please inquire! Also ask about our referal program also a great way to save. 

Julie Hill 

CEO / Head Photographer

" I just Love my job! "


For more info Please call  210-8484-4400 or visit

Friday, December 5, 2008

****** MDA/ THANK YOU MAGGIE!******

Blessing others is what Christmas is all about.  If you or someone you know is wanting to give a little "EXTRA" this Christmas, why not help Julie "get out of jail".   Together, we can bring a smile to a child's face.

Pass the blessings on!  Merry Christmas!

P.S.  Julie Hill was my wedding photographer.  Her photos ROCK!  She can help you with ANY of your photography needs. 

Friday, October 17, 2008

Now joining CMP is "Professional Models & Talent Agency

Looking for new faces for TV, Film, Print, and Promotions. 
All ages, and ethnicities. For more information please view our website also call our office at 210-523-7200

Olga Carruthers 

Saturday, March 29, 2008

South Padre Beach Portrait Session

South Padre Beach Portrait Session
Client: Nancy & Kerry Drew
South Padre, Texas
March 29, 2008
Description: This was a 2 hour session along the beach in South Padre. This client wanted photos of her sister and herself for their upcoming college graduation invitations. These girls were a treat for me to photograph. We had so much fun, it was a blast!

Click here to view the proofs.